AthenaVisual Plus v21.1: Harmonious User Interface Interface with Aspen Plus Robust Solvers for Data Analysis Interface with 64-Bit Excel Equations of State for Thermal Properties Interface with UniSim Robust Solvers for Modeling Interface with Aspen Hysys
AthenaVisual Plus has a variety of uses in the Chemical Industry and Academia.
Educational Use
Use AthenaVisual Plus in the classroom to educate students in process modeling, parameter estimation and experimental data analysis
Commercial Use
Use AthenaVisual Plus to build reactor models, and perform statistical data analysis and discover reaction mechanisms
Global Services
Contracts are available for difficult to solve problems. Workshops provided for training and modeling assistance. Contact Support
Customer Testimonials

"More than a decade ago, Dow selected Athena Visual Studio to replace our internally developed modeling and parameter estimation tool. Based on our assessment, Athena was and is the best tool for chemical reaction engineers developing models of reaction kinetics with parameters fit to experimental data."
Dan Hickman, Ph.D. - Fellow
Engineering & Process Science, Core R&D
The Dow Chemical Company

"We use Athena to derive fundamental models for complex gas-solid reactions from experimental data. The statistical analysis features are user-friendly and are a critical research tool for discriminating which models best describe the data."
Dante Simonetti, Ph. D. - Assistant Professor
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering

"We regularly use Athena for parameter estimation in catalytic reaction models. It is a powerful and user-friendly tool that helps us develop meaningful reaction-diffusion models that accurately describe observed reaction rates in micro/mesoporous zeolite catalysts."
Michael Tsapatsis, Ph.D. - Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
University of Minnesota

“Athena Visual Studio is an excellent tool for our PhD and MSc research and education for Food Technology students. It’s extremely versatile for estimation parameters of processes and (bio)chemical reactions related to food.”
Dr. ir. Matthijs Dekker - Associate Professor Food Quality and Design Group Department of Agrotechnology and Food Sciences

"Pursuing an adequate balance between physical meaning and statistical significance’, that’s what a lot of chemical engineering activities are about and what is particularly well supported by Athena Visual Studio"
Joris Thybaut, Ph.D. - Full Professor Catalytic Reaction Engineering
Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT)
Ghent University
AthenaVisual Plus provides an easy, direct and seamless link of process models with powerful parameter estimation and statistical data analysis drivers.

Michael Caracotsios
AthenaVisual Plus
A unique software that offers an integrated environment for process modeling, parameter estimation, optimal experimental design, model discrimination and graphical interpretation of rigorous statistical data analysis methods.

Our Pricing Table
For information on Corporate Licensing, Contact Dr. Michael Caracotsios at
Multi-User: Annual Subscription
Process Mathematical Modeling
Nonlinear Parameter Estimation
Model Discrimination and Criticism
Optimal Experiment Design
Model Based Exploratory Data Analysis
Single-User: Annual Subscription
Process Mathematical Modeling
Nonlinear Parameter Estimation
Model Discrimination and Criticism
Optimal Experiment Design
Model Based Exploratory Data Analysis
Book Chapters
Chemical Reaction & Reactor Modeling
Introduction to Probability & Statistics
Modeling with Single-Response Data
Introduction to Bayesian Estimation
Modeling with Multi-Response Data
Contact Us
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