AthenaVisual Plus v21.1: Harmonious User Interface Interface with Aspen Plus Robust Solvers for Data Analysis Interface with 64-Bit Excel Equations of State for Thermal Properties Interface with UniSim Robust Solvers for Modeling Interface with Aspen Hysys
AthenaVisual Plus has a variety of uses in the Chemical Industry and Academia.
Educational Use
Use AthenaVisual Plus in the classroom to educate students in process modeling, parameter estimation and experimental data analysis
Commercial Use
Use AthenaVisual Plus to build reactor models, and perform statistical data analysis and discover reaction mechanisms
Global Services
Contracts are available for difficult to solve problems. Workshops provided for training and modeling assistance. Contact Support
Customer Testimonials

"Fast and versatile. Athena lets us carry out complex mathematical and chemical analyses with ease. The standout features are the parameter estimation and the excel link"
Siddarth Sitamraju, PhD - Sr. Modeling Scientist
Johnson Matthey

"Athena enables Dow to export models to our flow sheet simulation software or to call modules of that software from within the Athena environment seamlessly, enabling easy technology transfer from lab to plant. The FORTRAN platform of Athena also enables us to access our proprietary physical properties database."
Paul Witt, Ph.D. - Associate Director
Engineering & Process Science, Core R&D
The Dow Chemical Company

"We regularly use Athena for parameter estimation in catalytic reaction models. It is a powerful and user-friendly tool that helps us develop meaningful reaction-diffusion models that accurately describe observed reaction rates in micro/mesoporous zeolite catalysts."
Michael Tsapatsis, Ph.D. - Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
University of Minnesota

“Athena Visual Studio combines strong and efficient numerical solvers with straightforward syntax coding and GUI. This allows also non-experts to solve complex chemical engineering problems. I am a happy user of the package for both consultancy and teaching since almost 20 years.”
Rob Berger - Consultant in Catalysis & Reactor Engineering and Reaction Kinetics

"More than a decade ago, Dow selected Athena Visual Studio to replace our internally developed modeling and parameter estimation tool. Based on our assessment, Athena was and is the best tool for chemical reaction engineers developing models of reaction kinetics with parameters fit to experimental data."